Friday, September 17, 2004

Monty's Ceremony

For my friends that are here in Alberta, I promised to put the particulars of Steve/Monty's wake and funeral details here. This is what I have so far:

Wake/Viewing at Memories Funeral Home, 13403 St Albert Trail, in St Albert 1800-2100 hrs on Monday the 20th

Funeral Mass at St Charles Catholic Church, 17653 112st, (the one up by the garrison) 1300 hrs on Tuesday the 21st.

The dress is 1A - DEU with medals.

The jump in honour of Monty was post-poned today because of wind but if I get the timings for next go round, I'll post. I did learn that they jumped his barret for him the day he went into the hospital because he was originally supposed to go up with the coy; though of course he couldn't jump himself. (Tuesday I believe)

Finally, Devil 6 is trying to make it out but for sure his domestic niner is coming, our dear, sweet friend Trish.

We Will Remember!

You can get me at if you have any other questions.

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