Tuesday, June 29, 2004

OMG My Watch/HR Monitor is OFF!!

Okay my DH (Darling Husband) is just playing with my HR monitor/watch thingy. Yes, I call all mechanical things...thingies!! He says it's all wonky and not working right. That means my times are likely not correct so perhaps my HR is wrong as well I suppose. Now as it stands I have never paced myself, I'm a feel good runner. Last time I kept stats the coach did it in university and I just nodded and smiled while he read my monitor. Honestly, I'm really quite a lovely person and rather intelligent in a conceptual kind of way but I don't like 'figuring' things out. So, all this to say I need to start over again on my times. DH thinks I should scrap the last two workouts in terms of stats and begin the recording again tomorrow?!! ~Sad face~

And did I mention he pipes up with "I figured your times were way too good?!" This from the skinny fat man (he's very tall and lean but turn him sideways and you'll see the little pot belly he grew on this last deployment! ~shock and giggles~ He's still gordgeous of course)

The up side you ask? Why DH is going to buy me a pretty new HR montior/watch thingy and it might even have a compas on it so there! I wonder if he can get it in red? That is my all time favourite color. Well, until we get to Edmonton to purchase this little gem on the weekend I guess I'll just use a regular watch, try and count the thumps in my neck and see if I can't get an honest stat!!


Yummy Bugs, well if I didn't get enough to eat at dinner my desert of bugs did the trick. Sheesh Louise but running in the evening equals buggy yummies for sure.

8Km with 25lbs in 58:32 min and HR stayed in the 160s(which the latter is EXCEPTIONALLY good for me).

My hubby was waiting on the porch with an ice cold 'free' beer for me. Free Beer meaning the non-alcoholic stuff. It went down rather nice I must say. :-) It's so good to be loved.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Lots of Running, Lots of Life But Not So Much Weight Training

So I started my official trg program today...well, lets back up, I didn't get the weight trg in!! AARRGHH I hate when my schedule changes because everything is all wanky for what feels like weeks until I get a pattern. Mark is at home on leave, the girls are on summer vay, as they call summer vacation, and we are re-organizing the entire house and yard with a million social engagements to boot. Many of our friends are being posted out of course so there are all the goodbyes both official and unofficial.

Okay so today was 6Km with 25lbs in 42:37 which felt incredibly easy. Since hitting the gym was not going to happen I just doubled up on sit-ups, push-ups and my wanna-be pull-ups. Toss in a way too quick stretch and I had rounded up today's health mission in a whopping 1 hour and 2 minutes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not all that cranky or nearly as whiny as I sound but I am disappointed. So it's all about priorities...not hard to tell I'm addicted to the run eh?!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Rockin' Legs

Happy Father's Day to my sweet, devoted Husband Mark!!

And Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful, loving Dads out there!

Today's run totally rocked. Technically today was a day off but since tomorrow is jammed packed with an interview, some detailed 'military administration' (~rolls eyes~ it's always 20 copies of each of the 40 forms I swear) and a trip to the city, I decided I'd get the run in today and just catch the weight training in the early morning.

The Run

Did I mention it totally rocked?! I was a bit gunky in the congestion department at first but my legs were tireless and strong. My stride was long and my pace was kick-ass! I did my 8k in 43 minutes, which is definitely awesome for me. I'm still not recording until 1 July though and I didn't wear my HR monitor either. Stubborn eh? ~shakes head~

Running high...later folks!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Family & Then Some

Good golly miss molly! I've had so much family here visiting since Wed and they all finally just left. God bless 'em but adios (sp?) dear ones. Whenever I hit the trail or the gym you'd think I was somehow abandoning them for a torrid affair or some such; as though working out was a dreadful crime. How is it, do you suppose, they imagined I developed the ability to run 10km with 35lbs on my back anyway...by eating bon bons and watching soap operas?

Well, my running was good and really strong. My legs are becoming quite the powerful little machines I must say. Plus, needing to burn the stress off was like having a personal little after burner! ~winks~ Oh and the new Wt training program was WAY too much fun.

Richard, I may have gotten carried away with the whole swinging arms things while on my hill run the other night. A friend of mine (Warrant Officer) slowed down in his car as I ran and asked why I was marching as I ran?! LOL Still, it really did seem to 'shake it all loose' and it felt quite natural to exaggerate the swing beyond what I'm used to. It felt like I was pulling myself forward if that makes sense. Haven't spoken to the trainors about the shins yet unfortunately but hopefully I'll catch her on Monday.

Before I leave, please hit Mark's most amazing post on children and running. It is nothing short of marvelous and inspired...and not just because he posted it for my sweet little bug. Aaron and Mark are the two awesome running mentors behind these children...check them out.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

MMC Training Highlights Phase I

Okay there are 4 Phases broken into 3 month groups. Since I have this program long-hand I'm typing in, i.e. being lazy, so I'll just do phase I tonight.

(25lb ruck on med and long runs; weekends off; X-Train should be canoeing at least 2/mnth and last week of month = active recovery w/o ruck)


Mon 6k + wts
Tue 8k
Wed X-train (wk 1 30 min, wk 2 45 min, wk 3 60 min= 30/45/60 rule )
Thr light cardio @ 30/45/60 rule + wts
Fri 10k

Wts for Jul - Strength and muscle mass


Mon 4 hills + wts
Tue 10k
Wed X-Train 30/45/60 rule
Thr light cardio @ 30/45/60 rule + wts
Fri 13k

Wts for Aug - Strength


Mon 8k + wts
Tue 10k
Wed X-Train 30/45/60 rule
Thr light cardio @ 30/45/60 rule + wts
Fri 16k

Wts for Sep - Endurance

Wt Program
(formulated for back injury @ SI joint dislocation and knee injury @ PFS)

Wts - Strength + Muscle Mass

8-12 Reps @ 2-3 sets w/ 30-90 sec rest

barbell squats
standing leg curls
calf raises
crunches - ball
back extensions
x-overs - ball
1 arm dumbbell row
bench press
shoulder press
bicep curl
tricep extension

Wts - Strength

6-10 reps @ 3-4 sets w/ 2-5 min rest

leg press
lying leg curls
chest press machine
lateral raise machine
knee lifts/hanging knee lifts
back extensions

Wts - Endurance

15-20 reps @ 2 sets w/ 30-60 sec rest

ball squats
ball supine hamstring curls
seated row
dips machine
pull-ups machine
dumbbell shoulder raise - front, side, back
core stabilizer - plank (1 min)
back extensions
core stabilizer - side holds (1 min)

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Praise for Rays & New Program

Don't get me wrong folks. I honestly am not a 'fair weather runner,' BUT I am definitely happier when I am running beneath the rays of the sun. I struggle with some seasonal moods issues in conjunction with my PTSD so I tend to be a sun worshipper. Not the bronzing tanner type but in that I look up to the bright yellow orb and breathe in the joy it seems to impart. I have this incredibly lovely dark brown farmer's tan. Okay, make that runner's tan. I try to remove my glasses long enough to take care of the racoon problem but it's still a bit noticeable if you're paying attention! ~big grin~ Doesn't matter to me, my brown aspects are visible marks of my joyful wanderings. And if the sun has not ever been enough, this new posting of ours is truly a remarkable place. It's very wild and untouched by human hands in so many ways. I've run into bears a couple times lately, including today. I make enough noise that we each keep our distance to be sure. It feels so odd that I get to share the earth with such noble brothers and sisters. I feel like such a small inconsequential part of this giant Mother Earth all of the sudden. Oddly, I also feel tremendously blessed and unique for being allowed to be running and living in such natural presence.

Emotions and Stretching

I've noticed that I am definitely an emotional runner. I was feeling strong and at peace today. With my husband home, my cornerstone, I feel like I could leap tall buildings, catch speeding locamotives or simply gaze tirelessly at his sleeping face. (jet lag takes awhile to get over :-) Subsequently, my run was strong, and my stride was noticeably longer. I've been adding a great deal of time to my stretching lately. My breathing was stable too even though I often struggle in this area when spring changes to summer. (pollins perhaps?)

I do need to learn to 'let go' of my upper body however. I'm still tensing up a great deal in the shoulders. Especially when I run hills. The result is early fatigue of course and tight muscles with nasty lactic acid build up. I could likely circle the spots under my scapula with a marker where the knots show up to show the trouble areas and they would never change by more than a milimetre or two after every single run.

As to stretching, I'm needing to stretch out my shins more but I'm stumped. I have only the basic flex and point stretch. Any advice would be awesome?!

The New MMC Program

I'm more excited than a kid in a candy store over the 12 month program my trainers came up with for me to compete in next year's MMC. I'm truly beginning to feel like I can absolutely accomplish this goal without any injury. It's incredibly well balanced and the two gals that created it have different areas of speciality (strength for one and endurance for the other), so they were like a match made in heaven. I start the real program 1 July but I'm doing a modified version of the first week this week and next. The weight training portion is really exciting. It cycles from focus on Mass to Endurance to Strength. (had no idea they were separate issues!!)

I'll try and post the actual program as I go. I know it's important for me to start training and logging properly. This is such a hard change for a free, emotional spirit like me. Wish me luck. ~winks~


Thanks to all of you for your wonderful and kind support. I can honestly say, without doubt, this support system adds a large dimension of motivation to my goals and healing.

Beijos and Blessing Runners!

Monday, June 14, 2004

Slipped Away


Ever go through a space in time when it feels like your life was sucked into a vortex of such trivial business that you're totally tired but have almost nothing to show for your efforts? Well that has been the last week and a half of our lives. Not that this is bad, just a little dizzying I think. However, our Daddy (my dear Husband) is finally home from abroad. Word on the street is that he may be here for as much as 3 months before he's off again. WooHoo!!


I've only been able to run lately. My weight training was limited to a day here or there. I ended up with bursitis in my left elbow which put upper body on hold so I only popped in for the lower body and ab work. I'm back in the game now and today was wonderful, strong though quite a short run. The rain over the last 10 days has been a royal bummer however.


So I have 10 minutes to catch up on other running friends and post for Bug on her blog. (Bug has been kicking my butt in the dedication department this week. Never lags to get out the door at all...she's my inspiration!)

Saturday, June 5, 2004

Mixing It Up?

Well 10Km felt like forever today. I couldn't get on the elyptical because I had the girls with me so it was on foot. God bless my little ladies, they were on their bikes and were absolute troopers I must say. However, there were lots of stops with them along. Not that it was bad...just long. Actually I had a friend come and pick them up at about 7Km and take them for popsicles while I finished up. Those walkie talkies were originally for emergancy but I think this was a valid use too. ~smiles~ (Dad coming home in the next week is going to be such a treat in SO many ways!!)

The Run

The pace was not hard of course given the 'family forum version' but it occurred to me that without a troop Warrant making recommendations for push-ups, sit-ups, burpees etc. on the route, there aren't any surprise physical challenges on the way. I wonder if I'm selling myself short on potential physical development areas as a result? I have of course added the weight training program but I can't yet fit in the spinning class or the aqua-jog at this point because of the change in schedules at the fitness centre. The goal I've selected is certainly challenging enough; even with the prolonged and modified 1 year program. So it occurs to me that I'm not doing so well at just 'making it up' on my own at all. I am waiting for Tammi to give me the official 1 year program to work with, however, I want to feel like I can somehow create and learn how to improve my fitness and reach personal potentials on my own.

Running Thoughts

I think perhaps I'm having follow the leader withdrawels. ~sigh~ I started running in grade 6 by joining the cross-country team and then when I went off to university I truly started adding running to my daily life. It was a fix for study stress. (I'm a serious worry wart) I've been thinking about my 'beginning' a great deal lately as I watch my daughter begin to develop serious interests in various sports and now running. My goals were always simple: in the beginning it was stress reduction so distance and speed etc were irrelevent. I did races for fun because the people were so wonderful and I only cared if I finished. When I joined the military my goal was to keep up and not be singled out for 'discipline.' Of course I also focussed on passing the yearly fitness test but daily PT and the Troop Warrant's program took care of that. Even as the preagnancies came and went I just ran to feel good about myself and keep my required fitness level in check for 'my job.' Now I'm suddenly wanting something entirely different. I don't want trophies or placements BUT I want more than to just do it. I want to improve, progress and develop. I'm just not sure exactly what that means or how to translate it into my daily program. And in spite of my newfound desires I worry that I will take away the joy that running has always brought to me.

The wind and sun are like the Great Spirit's hand upon my face. The centre of my soul is like a calm pool after I run. The ripples of that silence and peace echo out into my whole being. Running is fundamentally a part of who I am and yet it continues to change, shift and demand a different form in my life as I myself grow and change. In the words of the great Pooh Bear, I must 'think think think.'

Perhaps I should rename my blog to: the philosophical meanderings of my running soul? ~smiles~

My Daughter

My eldest daughter, nick-named Bug, has started her first blog to accompany her official start to running. She has always run with me over the years...from inside the womb to the running stroller (which is very cumbersome in a mall by the way); then in the winter she was in a sled which I'd harness myself up to and pull her along. She often does a warm-up jaunt around the block with me then join me for a stretch or two. Since she learned how to bike I would also let her bike along side and around me while I was out and about as well. Actually, when I would begin to slack off of my running and sink into a misery or funk, it was Bug who would encourage me out the door again by begging to do stretches with me or go for a warm up run etc. "Maybe you're sad 'cause you aren't running Maman? You always say running makes your heart happy." Those words have been uttered more times than I can remember and I'm ever so grateful for her unconditional love and encouragement. If not for her (and her sweet little sister) I often wonder if I'd have given up on myself long ago?

In any event, she finally decided (with a lot of 'encouragement' from her Mom of course ~winks~) to start her very own running program. A program where she can set fun little goals and earn rewards for achieving them. In fact, my hope is to start a running club for young girls here in town eventually. Fitness is so vital for a strong, happy life and I'm determined to ensure that my little womyn get all I can give in that department.

Anyway, you can find Bug by clicking on her nickname of course (or as below) and give her a little encouragement.

Bug On The Run

Thursday, June 3, 2004

Barometric Pressure

As though somehow my friends and colleagues secretly knew that I was curious about the barometric pressure question that Mark brought up, the whole issue of headaches, sluggish troops on PT (Physical Training) and bad moods has been the sole topic of discussions today.

Everyone agrees that a drop in barometic pressure, in particular what we are experiencing up here in Northern Alberta at present, is the sort of horrible, demonic weather occurrence that tampers with our performance. Today was absolutely DREADFUL on my run. My head was about ready to explode from the moment I awoke and it was one of those days when the shoes are too tight, then too loose, the pack is sitting all wrong and there is no fix, my legs were cramping and didn't want to 'warm up' plus I'd lost my favourite Nalgene water bottle. I can only get these bottles in Edmonton or online (which means waiting and that is not my favourite sport at all heehee). So for all that, I still LOVED being outside, under the sun, listening to my tunes and doing some sort of foot shuffle that I hesitate to call running. ~big grin~

My daughter had a Mexican Fiesta at school today and the nourishment was splendid. I had no idea there were so many Mexican 'good food' choices! It was an absolute blast and my tired achy little self was delighted to sit back, get fed and visit with so many adults. (With Mark (my husband) away, I find I miss adult conversation a bit...especially since I don't go to work daily) In any event, this is where one fellow was telling me his platoon was slower than a group of turtles using walkers. He said everyone seemed to have a splitting headache, they were dehydrated and their legs were talking back. They remedied the running ailments by stopping at the local greasy spoon for a late breakfast/coffee instead of continuing on! LMBO

So to finish off the otherwise tangent oriented blog, I'm pretty excited about getting my training plan next week. Tammi thinks she'll have it ready for me around Wed. You know, since I decided to take the whole year and work up slowly, running has been more 'fun.' I just realized that as I type! I guess it was the right choice.

ONWARD we go Runners!

Wednesday, June 2, 2004


I'm feeling like She-Ra Warrior Princess, running speed demon these days. Well, it's all relative of course, but for me it's a huge influx of speed lately. You know when you are taking a course and trying to learn something new but it's not working? Then, one morning you wake up and you JUST know IT. Very mysteriously you were infused with great bounds of knowledge! Okay, so add that to a running metaphor. :) Sorry, I'm wiped but had missed my blog so much that I wanted to post before bed. LOL

So my back health is improving steadily again. However, I tracked down a veteran MMC trainer to produce a 1 year build up plan for me. I'm simply not prepared to take a hit on the ole spinal column but I feel confindent that this is definitely do-able with the right prep work.

8 more sleeps and my sweet, darling husband will be home. YaHoo!!

TTFN Runners